I am the
passenger and I ride and I ride
I ride through the city's backsides
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, the bright and hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight
I am the passenger
I stay under glass
I look through my window so bright
I see the stars come out tonight
I see the bright and hollow sky
Over the city's ripped backsides
And everything looks good tonight
Singing la la la la la.. lala la la, la la la la.. lala la la etc
Get into the car
We'll be the passenger
We'll ride through the city tonight
We'll see the city's ripped backsides
We'll see the bright and hollow sky
We'll see the stars that shine so bright
Stars made for us tonight
Oh, the passenger
How, how he rides
Oh, the passenger
He rides and he rides
He looks through his window
What does he see?
He sees the sign and hollow sky
He sees the stars come out tonight
He sees the city's ripped backsides
He sees the winding ocean drive
And everything was made for you and meAll of it was made for you and me
'Cause it just belongs to you and me
So let's take a ride and see what's mine
Singing la la la la.. lala la la [x3]
I ride through the city's backsides
I see the stars come out of the sky
Yeah, the bright and hollow sky
You know it looks so good tonight
I am the passenger
I stay under glass
I look through my window so bright
I see the stars come out tonight
I see the bright and hollow sky
Over the city's ripped backsides
And everything looks good tonight
Singing la la la la la.. lala la la, la la la la.. lala la la etc
Get into the car
We'll be the passenger
We'll ride through the city tonight
We'll see the city's ripped backsides
We'll see the bright and hollow sky
We'll see the stars that shine so bright
Stars made for us tonight
Oh, the passenger
How, how he rides
Oh, the passenger
He rides and he rides
He looks through his window
What does he see?
He sees the sign and hollow sky
He sees the stars come out tonight
He sees the city's ripped backsides
He sees the winding ocean drive
And everything was made for you and meAll of it was made for you and me
'Cause it just belongs to you and me
So let's take a ride and see what's mine
Singing la la la la.. lala la la [x3]
Oh the passenger
He rides and he rides
He sees things from under glass
He looks through his window side
He sees the things that he knows are his
He sees the bright and hollow sky
He sees the city sleep at night
He sees the stars are out tonight
And all of it is yours and mine
And all of it is yours and mine
So let's ride and ride and ride and ride
Oh, oh, Singing la la la la lalalala
Traduzione in Italiano http://www.testimania.com/testitradotti/1056.html
Vi starete chiedendo il perché di questa canzone. In primis
perché è una canzone che mi da una carica pazzesca e voglio trasmetterla anche
a voi, tra le righe, in secondo luogo per le parole, per il contenuto e per il
filo conduttore che unisce me a voi.
Torta di mele
Stampo plumcake:
Gli ingredienti sono:
250 gr burro (io ne ho messo 200 gr)
200 gr zucchero
6 tuorli + 2 uova intere
150 gr farina 00
100 gr fecola di patate
1/2 bustina lievito x dolci
1 pizzico di sale
1 limone succo e buccia grattata
250 gr burro (io ne ho messo 200 gr)
200 gr zucchero
6 tuorli + 2 uova intere
150 gr farina 00
100 gr fecola di patate
1/2 bustina lievito x dolci
1 pizzico di sale
1 limone succo e buccia grattata
3 mele
Si procede sbucciando le mele, due a
dadini e una a fettine sottili così; poi si bagnano con il succo di limone.
In un'altra ciotola si lavora il burro morbido con la scorza del limone e lo zucchero fino a renderlo cremoso, si incorporano prima le due uova intere e poi un tuorlo alla volta e quando è tutto ben omogeneo si unisce prima la fecola e poi la farina ben setacciate, il lievito e il sale.
In un'altra ciotola si lavora il burro morbido con la scorza del limone e lo zucchero fino a renderlo cremoso, si incorporano prima le due uova intere e poi un tuorlo alla volta e quando è tutto ben omogeneo si unisce prima la fecola e poi la farina ben setacciate, il lievito e il sale.
A questo punto si mettono le mele a
dadini e si mescola per benino.
Nel frattempo imburrate od oliate uno
stampo e versateci il composto adagiandoci sopra le fettine di mela, per mio
gusto personale ho spolverizzato la superficie di cannella e
Eccolo sfornato
Buon Sabato
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